Westside Elementary PTO
Hood River, Oregon
Upcoming Events:
PTO Meeting Jan 7th at 5:30PM in the library
Fun Food Fridays Jan 10th
Skate Night Jan 10th
Fun Food Fridays Jan 24th
Skate Night Jan 24th
Join us and give five for Westside
2024-2025 Events
PTO Meeting Jan 7th at 5:30PM in the library
Fun Food Fridays Jan 10th
Skate Night Jan 10th
Fun Food Fridays Jan 24th
Skate Night Jan 24th
PTO Meeting Feb 4th at 5:30PM in the library
Fun Food Fridays Feb 7th
Skate Night Feb 7th
Fun Food Fridays Feb 21st
Skate Night Feb 21st
More to come soon
Learn how to Get Involved!
The Westside Elementary PTO strives to foster a positive community in creative and inclusive ways. We are a group of parents, staff, and teachers who volunteer their time to:
Promote the welfare of students in the home, school, and community.
Promote open communication between administrators, parents, and students of the Westside community.
Enhance the educational facilities and opportunities for students that are not otherwise provided for in the district budget.
Westside Elementary PTO esforzaremos por fomentar una comunidad positiva de manera creativa e inclusiva. Somos un grupo de padres, personal y maestros que ofrecen su tiempo como voluntarios para:
Promover el bienestar de los estudiantes en el hogar, la escuela y la comunidad.
Promover la comunicación abierta entre administradores, padres y estudiantes de la comunidad de Westside.
Mejorar las instalaciones educativas y las oportunidades para los estudiantes que no están contempladas en el presupuesto del distrito.